How to Order a translation
- Send us an inquiry or request a quote for your translation needs. Please provide us with the specifics of the work to be performed, including language(s), amount of contents, requested delivery date. Sending the source file to be translated makes for a smoother estimation process.
- We will send an estimate via e-mail in one business day
- Confirm acceptance via e-mail
- You will receive the document and the invoice via e-mail by the agreed delivery date
- You will have 3 days to make the payment to the account indicated on the invoice (by one of our accepted payment methods)
How and When to Pay
Invoices must be paid within 3 days of receiving the translated
document unless otherwise agreed.
We accept the following methods of payment:
- Payoneer
- Moneybookers
- WebMoney
- MoneyGram
- Western Union
We are proud to be one of the few companies to offer delayed
payment option, but we expect these payments to be as
punctual as our deliveries and we have a strict credit collection
Please note that individuals and first-time clients are requested to make payment in advance.
clients with proven good payment history, we
can bill in arrears on a monthly basis.